At Home

Be proud of the healthy food you serve!

Food nourishes our bodies, but it also nourishes our souls.

Food reminds us of family, of history, of traditions, of happy times and the places and people we love.

Food is where we’re from, our place, our people.

Food is who we are.

Food is love

In Mississippi, we show people we love them by feeding them—by nourishing their bodies and their souls.

We want them to be happy, and we want them to be healthy, too.

With HappyHealthy recipes, you can be proud of the healthy food you serve your family and friends, for holidays or for everyday.

You can make the foods that your family and friends love, but in healthier ways.

You can keep on feeding them and loving them—and know you’re keeping them healthy, too!

Keeping the tradition alive

Children learn to cook from you, by watching their elders.

Let children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews help you in the kitchen. Let them do simple tasks like measuring or stirring.

Tell them your family stories. Talk to them about your traditional recipes and ways you are making them healthier.

Sit at the table together, and savor every delicious bite.

Celebrate holidays and special times with dancing, sports, or games that keep you moving, in addition to a special meal.

You will have wonderful new traditions that will keep your family happy and healthy for generations to come!